Flowers Meet Fashion For This High-End New York Florist


Floral installation with purple vines in white-ceramic pots

Photo: Asmite Gherezgiher

WHO: Asmite Gherezgiher is a florist with a thriving business that includes working on campaigns for fashion houses like Gucci and Prada. She started post-college as a prop stylist, but found her calling in floral design. 

WHAT: Her feed showcases installations for parties and hospitality clients, as well as sculptural bouquets and arrangements. She also uses Instagram to let followers know about pop-up events where she sells her creations (usually via preorder). 

WHY: Gherezgiher credits her father, a landscaper specializing in topiaries who immigrated from Eritrea, with being her inspiration. “He is my compass and my example of how to be an entrepreneur and keep going,” she shares. 

WHERE: @azmystic

IN HER WORDS: “I love to improvise. Sometimes ideas spark when I see an item in the flower market that is limited in quantity or has a distinct texture, color, size or shape. I like to envision how the work will be received and put my energy into creating expressive designs.”