This Design Book Is A Love Letter To The Rocky Mountain West


Inspired by Place by CLB Architects book cover

CLB Architects’ first monograph immerses readers in distinctive architecture of the Rocky Mountain West.

Over the last three decades, CLB Architects has helped define a modern architectural language for the Rocky Mountain West. With CLB’s first monograph, readers can immerse themselves in the firm’s bold, modern designs set in impossibly beautiful landscapes, from CLB’s home bases in Jackson, Wyoming, and Bozeman, Montana, to farther afield. Principal Eric Logan tells us more.

What does it mean to be releasing your first monograph? As a product of the West, my goal has always been to look at our surroundings and translate them into buildings that are meaningful today rather than perpetuate nostalgia. Thirty years later, we have a foundation of work that reflects our unique voice in this environment.

Tell us about your choice of title. We all share a deep appreciation for where we live, and we think very carefully about how to act upon these beautiful properties. The views, the light, the air—it feeds a lifestyle that inspires our creative expression.

Describe a favorite project. Our buildings are deferential to what’s around them. With Boulder Retreat (below), our response was to see how close we could get to an enormous boulder on site. We carefully adjusted the elevation, so it didn’t feel like the boulder was rolling in on you. It’s about making the surroundings meaningful while touching them very lightly.

Boulder Retreat project by CLB Architects

A glimpse of CLB Architects’ Boulder Retreat project.