How This Designer’s Furnishings Can Bring Depth To Any Space


An orange on a clean-lined white-marble tazza, by Peter Fleming, on a wood surface Part of a centerpiece collection designer Peter Fleming recently debuted.

An Australia native and Nashvillian of 20 years, Peter Fleming has collaborated closely with the likes of Bobby McAlpine, Robert A.M. Stern and Alexandra Champalimaud on their signature furniture collections. But it’s Fleming’s personal work that evidences the full breadth of his creativity.

Through Building No. 9, the studio practice he established in 2011, the designer fashions the dynamic objects (mirrors, lighting, accent furniture, tabletop accoutrements) necessary to layer rooms of depth. These pieces “commemorate the small, intimate moments that allow you to enjoy your life through design,” shares Fleming, who favors ancient forms and materials—marble, silver and so forth—for their inherent “universality and permanence.” The former comprises a collection he debuted in September; another in cast-bronze just soft-launched at The Antiques & Garden Show of Nashville.

Next up? A series of plasterworks and a modernist set of centerpieces composed of carbon fiber.