Arizona Designer Heather Ryan Shares Her Anything-Goes Approach To Design
Whether you talk to Heather Ryan or visit her Scottsdale office and showroom, one thing immediately becomes clear: She’s a study in contradictions. For this, Ryan offers no apology. The principal of H. Ryan Studio has learned the value of following her instincts. This applies to her design work as well as to the way she curates her private collection of furnishings, accessories and artwork, which is available to clients on an appointment-only basis and currently occupies close to 1,000 square feet of showroom space—although Ryan intends to expand over the next year.
Tell us about your approach to design. Transitional design is a big buzzword, and it’s the essence of what we do. I don’t really set any rules for myself.
How do you source items for your private collection? We gravitate toward furniture and accessories that are authentic, well-made and stand the test of time. In my office, I have throw pillows made from a friend’s old fur coat, wallpaper from France and a travertine table I bought online. I can find treasures virtually anywhere.
What’s next for you? I have a new, niche product line for the home that’s under wraps for now but slated to launch this year. Stay tuned!