
How This Raleigh Artist Balances Family Life And Creativity

Several colorful artworks depicting table settings each in gold frames. Photo: Courtesy Eleanor Scott Davis

Raleigh artist Eleanor Scott Davis gracefully melds the domestic sphere with the creative one. After stepping away from her job as a magazine editor in 2015 to embrace parenthood full time, painting became a pursuit both balanced and enhanced by her role as a mom of three. Working mostly in acrylic, sometimes incorporating charcoal or oil sticks for texture, Davis’ trifold body of work (color-blocked abstracts, landscapes and still lifes) is classic, vibrant and a designer favorite. Below, she tells Luxe more about her journey and inspirations.

In what ways has your journalism background influenced your creativity? Painting is all about perspective and editing—just like with writing. Something I’ve borrowed from my prior career is the tool of communication; it’s important to convey the meaning of artwork to clients and collectors because it helps them connect with it on a deeper level. 

What kick-started this artistic direction? Kids can make life topsy-turvy, so without a traditional 9-to-5, I craved something I could control, plus a creative outlet. Painting helped with the monotony of motherhood and provided that sense of escape.

How did having children impact your art? What makes my work successful is that it’s layered: colors beneath show through to the ones above. I appreciate the opportunity to step away, let things dry and return to the easel with a fresh perspective—which is a lot easier to do when you need to jump in a carpool! 

What’s enchanting you at the moment? I’m loving what designers are doing with color. There’s a real energy returning to interiors, and I love the relationship art has with that.

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