
The Nonprofit Committed To Telling A More Inclusive History Of Art

black and white photo of humberto moro


Anchored in New York with satellite locations in the American West and overseas, the Dia Art foundation is a force in the nonprofit space. For Humberto Moro—newly-appointed deputy director of program—evolving exhibitions, publications and public engagement is intrinsically linked to telling an even more inclusive history of art.

Inspiration fix: One of the realms where truly original ideas are born is science fiction, and that is most of what I recreationally read these days. Ted Chiang and Liu Cixin are authors that I come back to.

Arts destination: The vibrancy and creative freedom of Mexico City are rare—there’s always something surprising and unexpected.

Hot topic: One of the most important subjects being discussed in the world at large, is the essential right to project different realities and possible futures. I’ve seen so many resonances with this idea. One example is the Venice Biennale, titled The Milk of Dreams curated by Cecilia Alemani, which, from specific art history perimeters, questions the agency of imagination.

Pièce de résistance: Few things compare to The Lightning Field (1977) by Walter De Maria—a land art work in New Mexico under our collection. De Maria used to say that every great artwork should have at least 10 meanings, and the myriad of ideas that can be interconnected to this piece are almost unfathomable. The way in which one experiences it, and what one can obtain from that experience, speaks directly about what we do at Dia.

humberto oro dia arts foundation exhibit

Installation: double merge, 1968, sam gilliam; installation view: dia beacon, beacon, new york. 2019. copyright sam gilliam/artists rights society (ars) new york. (PHOTO: BILL JACOBSON STUDIO, NEW YORK. COURTESY DIA ART FOUNDATION)

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