Exploring What Design Means In The South

Southern Style in Design and Architecture in the SouthEast
What constitutes Southern style? I’ve pondered this question as we’ve readied ourselves to plant the LUXE design flag in this incredible part of the country. We can recognize and give credit to the region’s vernacular architecture. Yet, the South is not a homogeneous place. It is layered and rich, and steeped in history. Southerners have an appreciation and abiding love for architecture and design, with a passion for gorgeous homes and entertaining that’s ingrained in the culture. Design in the South has bona fide meaning and a deep connection at its core.
Welcome to the premier issue of our Southeast edition! We are tickled pink to finally be here. From Atlanta, Birmingham and Nashville to Charlotte, Savannah and Charleston…and all points in between, we have fallen in love with this part of the country and are excited to share all the remarkable architecture and design work taking shape with our readers. We’ll be honoring Southern design, both its heritage and progressive style.
Let’s stay connected as we embark on this design journey together. Drop me an email or send me a DM to let me know what you think of our premier issue or to share a good design story. We look forward to many conversations to come.