This New California Venue Melds A 1960s Synagogue With A Rehearsal Studio

This fall, the Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services campus in Cheviot Hills, California, welcomes a building gifted by philanthropist/dance advocate Glorya Kaufman.
By day, the Glorya Kaufman Performing Arts Center will cater to students and Kaufman’s Therapeutic Dance Program; evenings and weekends will be devoted to public performances.
Designed by Brian Wickersham of Aux Architecture, the project melds a 1960s synagogue with a spacious rehearsal studio and grounds by Sterling Landscaping. “We’ve preserved the congregation space, wrapping it with a new building,” says Wickersham.
In addition to being tailored to the arts, the venue is the main campus gathering space, a teaching facility and a place to celebrate High Holidays. “Brian really listens and cares,” says Kaufman. “It’s going to be a fantastic addition to the area.”