Hangai Mountain Textiles’s Latest Line Looks To Bauhaus

Photo: Summers Moore
Weaving a Colorado family business into an innovative partnership with Mongolian herders and knitters, Basalt-based Betina and Bill Infante launched Hangai Mountain Textiles five years ago. Producing a sumptuous array of blankets, throws, accessories and wearables from yak down, hand-combed cashmere and baby-camel fibers, their textiles are functional works of art that also help sustain Mongolian traditions. “Strong partnerships and authentic collaborations breathe unique identity into our work,” Betina says.
With a recent line inspired by an original 1920s Bauhaus tablecloth and a collaboration with Materie Home on a pillow collection, the brand’s offerings are a sure way to elevate the home. Coming this fall, a Rothkoesque design will offer even more options for chic, lush decor.