Architecture + Design

Maharam’s Digital Projects Excites With Its Large-Scale Wallcoverings

Maharam’s Digital Projects is a series of large-scale, digitally printed wallcoverings designed by a revolving roster of esteemed artists. This month, the storied American textile brand tapped Manhattan-based artist and filmmaker Sarah Morris to create Midtown and Hellion Equilibrium for its latest addition to the collection. maharam.com

 Describe your work. Retinal after images of our environment. In other words, when I’m looking at something and then close my eyes for a second, I explore how the structure of what I just saw carries forth.

In what way does living in New York inspire your work? My first studio was near Times Square and all the corporate buildings along Sixth Avenue. I’ve always been interested in the mainstream, but I didn’t feel aligned with Midtown at all, so my work is very much to claim that zone as mine. When I say retinal, I use such architecture as a strategy for seduction. 

 Were there any surprises in working with this medium? I have a hang-up with getting color exactly as I see it in my mind. Even in a digital world with technology, it still took a lot of will to see a very specific desire become a reality.

What makes this project different from past works? The sense that these pieces are going to enter more environments is exciting. People’s homes are quite personal, and everyone has very specific ideas on how they want to use their space. It’s interesting that people can play around with these works.

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