Shops + Showrooms

A Peek At The Sophisticated Collection Of Vintage Pieces With An Upcycled Twist

ursula chair

The Ursula chair is a vintage 1960s armchair gilded by Roberto Rida, then covered in glistening glass barnacles by Simone Crestani.

After 30 years in business, Bernd Goeckler Antiques is exploring new directions. Gallery director Katja Hirche commissioned upcycling craftsman Roberto Rida and glass artist Simone Crestani, both from Italy, to collaborate on the Duetto collection of eight one-of-a-kind pieces.

“Roberto can be very stuck in his way, so I threw Simone into the mix to get Roberto out of his shell,” Hirche says. “While Roberto is more of a clinical person, Simone is a poet and very organic.”

The Ursula chair (pictured) illustrates this juxtaposition: It’s a vintage 1960s armchair gilded by Rida, then covered in glistening glass barnacles by Crestani.

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